English news

Saudi Arabia Participates Tomorrow in the World Radio communication Conference “WRC23”

Aleqtsad. Riyadh

تم النشر في الأحد 2023-11-19

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will participate tomorrow in the World Radiocommunication Conference “WRC23”, where the Saudi delegation will be headed by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Altamimi, the governor of the Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST), with the participation of several government and private sector representatives. The WRC23 will be held in Dubai, UAE from 20 November to 15 December, 2023, with over 4000 international participants from telecommunication regulatory authorities, national government entities and the private sector to study the best utilization of radio spectrum in various sectors.

The Kingdom will showcase its contribution during the conference and display its leadership in a number of international discussions including Space sustainability, enabling Radiocommunications and innovative technologies, and the future trends of 6G systems. Saudi Arabia will also promote efficient spectrum use and efficient use of orbital resources for various applications such International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), aeronautical and maritime services, as well as  radio and Earth-observations.

Saudi Arabia will play a pivotal and strategic role in the conference as it contributes to the discussions and developments of the conference’s topics, as well as its role in chairing the radio regulations board (RRB)

The WRC23 is an international conference that is held every four years by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), aiming to unite international efforts to review spectrum allocation that enables many wireless communication systems to meets the global demand for sustainable communications.




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